Not so very long ago, Ollie's little brother had his 18th birthday
which was so incredibly odd,
seen as he was 11 when Ollie and I first started going out.
I've seen him grow up in front of me
just like I did with my own brothers!
He hasn't always been my biggest fan,
as he resented me 'taking his big brother away from him'.
But we've made up now and we had a great BBQ in celebration of his birthday!
We had homemade kebab sticks with marinated chicken, and peppers,
and mushrooms, and courgette, and onions.
And they all looked so colourful on the BBQ.
We also had amazing burgers and sausages from the local butchers!
And an amazing cold feat too of salad, and pasta and new potatoes.
Yum yum yum.
Once all the food had been cooked, we turned the BBQ into it's second function:
A self contained fire!
It's actually a firepit that doubles as a BBQ, so the boys fetched the wood
and Ollie's Mum poked and prodded it into place
to create this perfect fire!
Which was very welcome seen as it was starting to get a bit chilly!
And we sat and ate and talked and drank the rest of the night away!
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