Wednesday, March 14

snail mail

There is nothing that I love more than receiving a letter in the post.
In today's crazy technological society, in a world where communications is done via
phone calls, texts and emails, "snail mail" can often be seen as dead.

But, I think technology hates me...
Skype will not let me have a conversation longer than about 10 mins,
so writing is a perfect way to communicate with those friends of mine that live across the globe!

I love sending cards as well, pretty delicate cards that I pick individually for each person.
Mother's day is coming up and I've found the nicest card to show my Mum
that I'm thinking about her!

What do you think of letters? 
Would you rather send a text?

Sunday, January 22

same old and some words of wisdom

I came back to uni on the 7th of Jan,
but ever since the start of the New Year I have frantically been trying to
complete the numerous amounts of assignments and revise for two exams.
In four days it shall all be over, and I will not be waking up until after midday on Thursday
- this for me is a huge thing; my body does not lie in. But I can already feel this one coming!

I could post a photo of my floor filing system, which you guys have already seen,
or the copious amounts of tea cups that are currently littering my bedroom.
But I won't, as I feel my blog will soon become a collection of photos of paper and cups.
Instead, I shall share with you this photo:

This is a picture I took last week of the sunset by Portsmouth Pier.
Somehow I found to time to take a little walk along the seafront, around four,
just as the sun was starting to set and the air was beginning to crisp up again.
And it calmed me down. I should start doing this more often.

And I recommend it to anyone; 
you might not be lucky enough to have a seafront five mins from your house,
but go somewhere. A forest, a field, a park, anywhere where you can take a few minutes
from these crazy hectic lives that we live and just be.

That is my wisdom for today.
Now excuse me, I am going to hibernate beneath my paper and teacups
and not surface for another four days when this will ALL be over.
See you on the other side!

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