So I stole this from Lil at a storm in a teacup
which is so totally cute and so worth checking out.
I figured I haven't introduced/reintroduced myself
since I revamped the blog so it would be worth doing.

name: Polly
age: 19, so close to 20. don't particularly want to turn Gloucestershire when at home, Portsmouth when at university.
occupation: Full time student if you class that, unemployed if you don't!
what is your current state of mind? sleepy and in need of a cup of tea
what is your greatest extravagance? probably spending money on seeing Ollie, either train tickets when we're at uni, petrol when we're not and just general date type activities. It all adds up.
what is your greatest fear? heights. I hate them. recently went on a pack holiday with the guide group I volunteer at and cried on all the activities because they all involved heights - I was supposed to be the responsible adult!
what is the trait you most deplore in others? selfishness, I'm not saying give away everything you've got, but if you have plenty why not share? Just think about others occasionally.
what do you consider the most overrated virtue? patience. or perhaps that's just because I don't have any at all.
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? worrying and stressing about every little thing. When I get really stressed I get these red bumps, which Ollie calls stress bumps, on my fingers and elbows when I get really stressed and the itch and it makes me more stressed.
what is the quality you most like in a man? generosity and thoughtfulness. I know that's two but I like them both.
what is the quality you most like in a woman? loyalty.
which words or phrases do you most overuse? after going to uni I have picked up the phrase "the best ___ EVER" which can be written in capitals or said louder when spoken. I now use that rather a lot.
which talent would you most like to have? I would love to be able to run properly, not even at crazy athletic level, just the ability to run less like a pregnant duck - a title given to me at primary school, aren't children nice!
which talent would you most like to have? I would love to be able to run properly, not even at crazy athletic level, just the ability to run less like a pregnant duck - a title given to me at primary school, aren't children nice!
what or who is the greatest love of your life? I don't want to sound too soppy and cliché but I think I'll have to put Ollie here. In six years so much has changed but he's the one thing that's stayed constant and I love him for that!
where would you like to live? In a rustic little cottage with something like roses or honeysuckle climbing all over the front of the house. In a field. I'm not very fussy about the geographical location.
what is your favourite occupation? reading, eating, sleeping, laughing, scrapbooking; to name a few!
what is your most treasured possession? oh, too many to pick, I like stuff. Top three probably, my cuddly bear Snowy, my scrapbooks of memories and my jewellery box.
who are your favourite writers? too many! Right now I love Terri Paddock, Katherine Howe, Julie Hearn and Audrey Niffenegger.
who is your favourite hero of fiction? Hermione from Harry Potter. I always wanted to be her.
who are your heroes in real life? Kylie, Marilyn Monroe and my Mum
what do you most value in your friends? the ability to make me laugh and lose control a little!
what is your most marked characteristic? loud personality and even louder voice!
how would you like to die? happy and loved.
what is your motto? "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best".
where would you like to live? In a rustic little cottage with something like roses or honeysuckle climbing all over the front of the house. In a field. I'm not very fussy about the geographical location.
what is your favourite occupation? reading, eating, sleeping, laughing, scrapbooking; to name a few!
what is your most treasured possession? oh, too many to pick, I like stuff. Top three probably, my cuddly bear Snowy, my scrapbooks of memories and my jewellery box.
who are your favourite writers? too many! Right now I love Terri Paddock, Katherine Howe, Julie Hearn and Audrey Niffenegger.
who is your favourite hero of fiction? Hermione from Harry Potter. I always wanted to be her.
who are your heroes in real life? Kylie, Marilyn Monroe and my Mum
what do you most value in your friends? the ability to make me laugh and lose control a little!
what is your most marked characteristic? loud personality and even louder voice!
how would you like to die? happy and loved.
what is your motto? "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best".
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