Wednesday, July 13

good friends live in worcester

The other day Nigel went to visit his son,
who lives in Worcester.
And I suddenly thought "Ah! Bria lives in Worcester!"
So we met up for an impromptu shopping trip
and caught up over coffee in costa.
Well, at least Bria had coffee. I had raspberry iced tea.

I've never been to Worcester before, and I really liked it.
It's a very picturesque city full of beamed pubs
and red brick buildings and tree lined high streets.

The only thing that was odd was the weather,
it couldn't decide if it was hot or cold, still or blowy.
Picking an outfit was the hardest thing to decide!

Seeing Bria was lovely,
especially as my uni friends are off travelling this summer.
Sometimes I feel like counting down the days until I go back.
But then I remember that I have great friends at home.

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