Thursday, November 24

there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

After the American's celebrated Thanksgiving to other day, it got me thinking.
The sheer amount of work, combined with mouldy student houses
has got be down in recent times.

However, as the picture says,
there is always, always, always something to be thankful for!
So, I thought I'd take a moment to say what I am thankful for.

The Boyfriend.
When I get cross at my work, I have a tendency to snap at Ollie,
even though all he ever does is support me.
To his credit I haven't managed to chase him away just yet; thank goodness!
I love him so much and his patience just make me love him even more!!

The Long Distance Friends
Two of my best friends in the world, literally live elsewhere in the world!
Liv and Em have been there for me through thick and thin.
Even though they're both in Canada
(which means I can't speak to them as much as I'd like)
whenever we do catch up it's like I saw them yesterday!

The University Housemates
This is the motley crew that I live with (minus the waitress and including Ross).
Lately I've been frustrated with the state of the kitchen and various other antics,
however, I need to remember how much I do love them!
They're here for me when I miss Ollie, and stressed about work.
(Plus Bria and J-Ho gives the best cuddles ever!)

The Family
When I'm at home it's really easy to forget 
the good qualities of my family and get frustrated!
When I'm away at Uni, I really start to miss them (especially my Mum).
I need to try and remember this feeling when I go home for Christmas!

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