You've made it into University.
Now what?
The above pictures are just some snippets from my uni life last year.
At uni, your social life explodes!
If your university is like mine there will be some kind of social event
on every night of the week, most likely with discount alcohol!
These are my top five tips for social excursions!
University students are obsessed with fancy dress, whether it's a huge student event like Carnage or just somebodies birthday. Or just 'cos - you'll find any excuse. So hunt down anything you think might be useful, I'm sure you have more hanging around your room than you originally thought.
And ladies, a hint from experience, coloured tights go a very long way in the winter when you're dressing up! This year I wore red, green, pink (regular and stripey!), blue and white. Stock up!!
There will be nights when your friends want to walk home and your feet hurt too much, you may have lost all your friends completely or it's unexpectedly started tipping it down. These are the nights you want to get a taxi, but you don't have any money!!
I suggest putting aside £5 as 'emergency money' for these situations. Tuck it in the back of your phone (or I keep it in my bra!!) so that even if you spend everything in your purse, you still have something to fall back on if necessary! And it doesn't hurt to "find" it again the next morning and realise you didn't spend as much as you thought!!
I suggest putting aside £5 as 'emergency money' for these situations. Tuck it in the back of your phone (or I keep it in my bra!!) so that even if you spend everything in your purse, you still have something to fall back on if necessary! And it doesn't hurt to "find" it again the next morning and realise you didn't spend as much as you thought!!
If you're going over to someone else's house for a party or for pre-drinks (if you don't know what this is, you'll become very familiar with it!!) only take as much alcohol as you think you will drink.
Because I can assure you, you will not be getting it back from that person's house. They will deny all knowledge of it being left there and drink it themselves. Promise.
Be prepared to do some really stupid things, like apple bobbing out of a paddling pool full of alcohol, sneaking into a children's playground at 3am, climbing a huge pile of soil on a building site.
They seem like fabulous ideas at the time, and you will cringe about it the next morning. But you need to have an arsenal of anecdotes to share with your home friends when you all get together again.
Invite your friends from other universities down to visit and go and visit them as much as you can at the start of each term (before the work piles on). This will really help you settle in during those first weeks of home sickness - which everyone gets so don't panic!
It will also give you great ideas for drinking games or dress up ideas or just fun things to do on nights out!
It will also give you great ideas for drinking games or dress up ideas or just fun things to do on nights out!
So they're my top five!
Of course there are many more, so if anyone has any ideas leave a comment.
See also
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